Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 1

Conveniently, Mondays are a rest day, which means this blog is being kicked off with, well, no mention of mileage or mile times. Lucky you... and me!

I'm slowly collecting links to blogs related to running and Alopecia, though there aren't any I've found that actually combine the two consistently. I'm also amassing a list of people to follow on Twitter. I don't know why I didn't do this before -- it's a whole new world of people I want to know. Thank you, Internet.

For today, I'd like to share the stories of two other runners with Alopecia.

Megan at Watch MeGo Run (@watchmegorun). She recently wrote about bullying and Alopecia. Of Alopecia she writes, "I can't control it, but I can't let it control me, either." Yes.

Abby Ter Harr, a freshman cross country runner at TCU. As highlighted in this video, she is an inspiration.

Running is a hard sport, and the temptation to compare endlessly nags. We find ourselves comparing times, form, shoes, etc. etc. etc. The list is endless. Being bald is just one more thing to add to the list of comparisons, but we are so much more than we think. Competition is good, but self-deprecation is not. I'm so impressed by and thankful for the confidence Abby exudes and the heart Megan has. Run fast, girls.

In case you missed it -- a greeting from bald girl running.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for including me! I'm excited to read more from another alopecia runner :)
