Still, I promised to post everyday, and I'm not a girl to back away from a promise like that. So, my smorgasbord of random things:
1. I'm still eating candy corn, even though Halloween is well over. This is what happens when candy is 70% off at Target.
2. Last week, a student that I work with came in with her "hair did". It looked really good, and I told her so, at which point she said, "Miss Leslie, you could get your hair done like this." Hmmm... probably not, even if I had hair! It was funny.
3. That same student also told me I was light-skinned, not white. I love it.
4. A spell check on the word "smorgasbord" confirms that I have been pronouncing it incorrectly for my entire life. Anyone else always said smogasborg? Shame on me, the English major.
Sunrise in the NC mountains |
6. Today I felt joy and peace in the midst of trial like I have never felt them before. I am certain beyond any doubt that they are from the Lord. I am so grateful. (See my exact thought at that moment here.)
7. I read an excellent post on Friday night by a college friend of mine, Meg @oursomethingnew. She speaks the truth we all need to hear.
Angry about these numbers |
That's really all I have for today. Not too terribly exciting, I know; but some days will be like that. I'm off now to write a policy brief on Title I. Sounds fun, right?! Right...
Until tomorrow...
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